Responsibility grows from action


For Inex, responsibility means smart energy use, sustainable circular economy solutions, a safe and diverse work environment, and a high-quality product distribution channel. Responsible actions are reflected in our daily operations in our properties, transportation, employees, as well as in ensuring security of supply. Through our actions, we build trust between staff, customers and society.

Through S Group’s responsibility programme, we have committed to Finland’s most ambitious emission targets and our aim is to work together to make Finland a better place to live. 

Sustainable energy solutions

The groceries and consumer goods logistics centres in Sipoo operate with zero emissions. The zero-emission rate is possible thanks to our strong utilisation of renewable forms of energy. The electricity we use is 100% emission-free. We use geothermal heat and recycle the condensing heat formed in the cooled premises. Condensing heat covers more than 50% of the logistics centre’s heating needs.

In addition, we have opened S Group’s largest solar power plant at the Sipoo logistics centres. The power plant has a total of 4,000 solar panels which provide enough energy to heat 100 electrically heated private homes each year or drive 10 million kilometres by electric car.

Green value properties

Our groceries logistics centre received the Energy Genius of the Year in 2021.

The environmental impacts of the logistics centres in Bastukärr in Sipoo have been strongly taken into account during the design phase. The grocery logistics centre achieved a fantastic classification of Excellent in the international BREEAM environmental certification. The consumer goods logistics centre has also been built in accordance with the principles of the Finnish PromisE ecolabel system.

Read more about the Energy Genius of the Year award

We have set a 20% emissions reduction target for our domestic transports by 2025 compared to the level in 2018.

In cooperation with our transport companies, we strive to find suitable solutions to reduce emissions.  We are increasing the amount of renewable and alternative fuels, improving our transport capacity utilisation rate, expanding the use of long lorries, and investing in the modernisation of engine technology in our transports. Our partners have participated in our emissions reduction measures, and some of the transport companies perform Inex’s deliveries with vehicles using biogas.

We have collected emissions data from our transport companies since 2008 and report them annually as part of S Group’s sustainability review.

Read more

Inex aims to minimise waste generation and improve recycling efficiency. We deliver 100% of the waste we generate to be reused and primarily recycle our waste as material or new products. At S Group, we work as a facilitator of the circular economy and actively develop solutions for efficiently recycling materials.

Inex plays a significant role in promoting recycling logistics and material efficiency. In logistics, we utilise reusable pallets, roller cages and plastic boxes, and transport cardboard and plastic fractions, as well as refundable beverage containers with our return transports.


We aim to curb food waste through the careful and safe automated handling of products, the development of operations, sales preparation and close cooperation with charitable organisations. In addition, we develop the packaging features of products with our suppliers. As part of waste management, we also have our own staff store, where we sell products that would otherwise go to waste.


At Inex, responsibility means safety. A safe working and operating environment for everyone who works and does business in our premises is important to us. At Inex, we all contribute to the development of safety through continuous improvement. The safety of our operations also affects the safety of the flow of goods handled by us and transported from our premises.

Safety is a common goal that we invest in by:​

  • Ensuring a safe operating environment​
  • Training our staff comprehensively​
  • Committing to our Towards Zero ideology​
  • Working together to create an effective safety culture.
Oiva report

Oiva is a system for reporting food safety inspection results to consumers. The inspection results are published as Oiva reports on the internet. More information about Oiva can be found at

Sustainable employer

Inex is committed to respecting employees’ equal opportunities at work, preventing discrimination and promoting equality. Employees are treated equally and fairly, and all employees are accepted as they are. We are a multicultural and diverse work community.

Inex employs more than 1,300 people and offers plenty of full-time and permanent employment relationships, as well as summer jobs for young people. We are the largest employer and influencer in the municipality of Sipoo.

We offer the opportunity to develop and broaden your expertise. The average age of Inex employees is 37.5, and our staff is 27% female and 73% male. Logistics work is very suitable for both genders.